Nuclear holocaust did science get it wrong? Chernobyl


New member
I just watched a documentary on Chernobyl and today it seems to have become a wildlife refuge. Its lush and green with a diversity of flourishing animals so much that over the last 10 years they have been introducing animals into the area to reboost the species.
Birth anomalies within the animals are not any more significant than in unpolluted habitats.


Staff member
Interesting to learn. Does look as though nature can heal itself provided it is given a chance to do so.
Nuclear decay and the radiation poisoning associated with this and the ongoing cellular degradation is not something which cannot be readily ascertained over short periods of time. The 'powers that be' want us all to just shut up an accept Nuclear power as a viable source of energy for the future as fossil fuels are running out fast, the prospects for future generations are not looking good and we the people are just sitting here like dumb animals accepting al the crap they're feeding us without a second thought for our children's children.

There is nothing 'safe' about Nuclear power but of course we're all stupid animals without any ability to reason things out for ourselves, I mean to say, why would it matter that our energy is slowly but surely destroying our Planet, who cares right, I mean, why should we be concerned that we are fostering the very energies our planets atmosphere is protecting us from out there in the savage extremities of space, who cares if we're creating the potential for the end of all life on earth forever, doesn't matter does it.

Why do we still have people making decisions for our futures who are not likely to see another 10 years before they die, why are so many people in 'POWER' so damn old and let's face it borderline senile, why should they give a damn if the World falls to pieces in 50 years, they wont be here so they don't really give a damn.

Hey, I've got a great idea, let's build some children's playgrounds on the sites of some the MASSIVE Plague mass burials sites, who cares 'right', let's keep on making more and more idiotically dangerous weapons, let's keep on making really effing stupid decisions without any real consideration for the future. Hey, why don't we keep on killing each other over who owns what bit of land or who follows what ever religion, it's a great idea isn't it, yes let's carry on making really stupid decisions and to hell with the consequences.

Yeah okay, rant over.


Briar Spirit said:
Why do we still have people making decisions for our futures who are not likely to see another 10 years before they die, why are so many people in 'POWER' so damn old and let's face it borderline senile, why should they give a damn if the World falls to pieces in 50 years, they wont be here so they don't really give a damn.

Yeah okay, rant over.

Damn, If you would have said it any better, i would ask you if your Morgan Freeman....
Great post!:drinks:


New member
I had a future in Nuclear Power and was working at a Health Physics company in Atlanta, GA USA when the place went ballistic! Three mile Island had just happened. One of the physicists walked around in a daze saying "We didn't say it wouldn't happen, we said it would happen - it's just too soon."

Ironically, "The China Syndrome" was still playing at the theatre.

I became curious and punched some numbers. The odds of a 'catastrophic event' are couched in terms such as reactor hours. And there are some very interesting qualifiers. For example: If a reactor has ever been fueled and has been shut down the reactors hours are multiplied (by a factor that increases every year.) In other words a reactor that is shutdown is much more dangerous than a reactor that is running.

There are lots of reasons for the increased danger associated with a reactor that has been 'shut down'.
1) unloaded gun syndrome - If someone thinks a gun is unloaded they treat it with more respect
2) A team syndrome - Once the reactor is shut down the A team (best operators) take a rest (go to work, but aren't as intimately involved.)
3) Restart syndrome - There are items (such as nuclear poisoning, and latent heat) that help the reactor shut down from an equilibrium state. But these items dissipate after days and hours respectively, and the darn thing will come back to life. Chernobyl was in the process of being forced to restart after a hot shutdown. Various reasons, but I think they were trying to increase the Plutonium yield, and circumstances caused a 'nuclear event' that has not ceased to this day. I'm not saying its still radioactive, I'm saying that it is still generating an increasing number of neutrons. In other words, it's critical.

Anyhow, after crunching the numbers TMI went up at pretty much the expected time.

Do you think it hasn't happened here since then? You're wrong. It's just reported differently. Find the information for your local pile (nuclear reactor in Nukespeak) and read the local news outlets. Same situation, different words. It's not a conspiracy, it a cover up. It sure makes oil and definitely coal look very, very good.

Don't think for a minute that the Japanese meltdowns (multiple) are finished, and don't think it is controlled, and don't think that TMI and Chernobyl combined were within an order of magnitude of Japan. And, for goodness sake, don't think it can't happen here, it can, it did and it will again.

I have since left the Nuclear field and would prefer that Nuclear energy be abandoned.

MartinG said:
I just watched a documentary on Chernobyl and today it seems to have become a wildlife refuge. Its lush and green with a diversity of flourishing animals so much that over the last 10 years they have been introducing animals into the area to reboost the species.
Birth anomalies within the animals are not any more significant than in unpolluted habitats.
Regarding reforestation and animal repatriation. Do you think the government could stop the plants and animals from coming back to such a large area? It's difficult to keep deer out of a 5 acre corn field, even at the threat of death.
These things are returning because they can't be stopped. There will be all types of problems from this, but there is nothing that can be done. In other words - So?

Thanks for the interesting insider's perspective. You post contains a lot of food for thought.

I have no interest in seeing further development of nuclear power and strongly believe that if the kind of investment that has been made in fossil fuels and nuclear power were put into other forms of energy, significant progress could be made.

This past March there was a little reported milestone here in Texas where at one point 29% of the electricity on the grid was being generated by wind power. This is the notice put out by the state regulatory agency: Although wind also has it's disadvantages this is still a significant development in a world (and especially a state) where burning things to make electricity is still king.

I would love to see how much energy could be generated if every south facing rooftop in this sunny state had solar panels.


New member
Chernobyl isn't a interesting place today. I live in about one hour's ride from exclusion zone and was there repeatedly. And always i had scary feeling, not from radiation, this has low level on today, mostly scary lost city, buildings in which peoples was lived and dreamed for best future. And in one moment all ceased to have value. This a very big tragedy of my people.

But if it interesting for you a include the link to youtube channel of one guy who regulary went to Chernobyl use non-legal way: Link here (Videos on russian language, but have nice view).

Best wishes from Ukraine!


New member
Briar Spirit said:
Nuclear decay and the radiation poisoning associated with this and the ongoing cellular degradation is not something which cannot be readily ascertained over short periods of time. The 'powers that be' want us all to just shut up an accept Nuclear power as a viable source of energy for the future as fossil fuels are running out fast, the prospects for future generations are not looking good and we the people are just sitting here like dumb animals accepting al the crap they're feeding us without a second thought for our children's children.

There is nothing 'safe' about Nuclear power but of course we're all stupid animals without any ability to reason things out for ourselves, I mean to say, why would it matter that our energy is slowly but surely destroying our Planet, who cares right, I mean, why should we be concerned that we are fostering the very energies our planets atmosphere is protecting us from out there in the savage extremities of space, who cares if we're creating the potential for the end of all life on earth forever, doesn't matter does it.

Why do we still have people making decisions for our futures who are not likely to see another 10 years before they die, why are so many people in 'POWER' so damn old and let's face it borderline senile, why should they give a damn if the World falls to pieces in 50 years, they wont be here so they don't really give a damn.

Hey, I've got a great idea, let's build some children's playgrounds on the sites of some the MASSIVE Plague mass burials sites, who cares 'right', let's keep on making more and more idiotically dangerous weapons, let's keep on making really effing stupid decisions without any real consideration for the future. Hey, why don't we keep on killing each other over who owns what bit of land or who follows what ever religion, it's a great idea isn't it, yes let's carry on making really stupid decisions and to hell with the consequences.

Yeah okay, rant over.

yes but the rant has its points the area is still forbidden to enter except by the teams monitoring the radiation levels and then only for short periods of time