On contacting domain's owner


New member
There's this domain I REALLY want, seriously want it and I am so regretting not coming up with this name a month before because apparently both .com/.net were registered this year! The other one I am considering is the .org one, but I always think of that one as something from a organization and that has nothing to do with the site I am wanting to make.

Anyway, I wanted to know from your experience, is it advised to contact the current owners of these domains to see if I can get them to sell me the domain? None of those are being used anyway.


New member
I would contact them, if their info is publicly available theres nothing wrong with contacting them, I can't see any other way


Staff member
Agreed with Aya. I'd contact them rather than working through third parties. Third parties would try to cash into the deal.


I agree with Aya and Genesis. Contacting them is likely your best option. I would think about the highest price you are willing to pay for it before you contact them though, just so you don't buy it on the spur of the moment and regret you paid too much later.


New member
Depends on how close to expiry it is - if it's close to expiring, it's better to not contact them. Otherwise, try contacting them and maybe they'll sell it to you.


But do not forget that some domain owners personal information is protected from public access by WhoisGuard Service and that will make it harder to get his name and email address .
You may contact the Domain Registrar if they can help without getting in the deal.



New member
Thanks guys! Thankfully, both domains I am interested in don't have their information private, so I'm able to see their email addresses. The domains were registed this year, hope one of them sells it to me for a resonable price. :)


New member

I don't think that gonna work unless OP has trademarked the name. ICANN don't both about these stuff and even registry or registrar doesn't. You need to find a lawyer who work on trademark cases and that's only if you have any rights for claiming that. Plus it would cost so much money for whole process.

Problem is if it's only registered in this year and have a web site already they probably won't want sell it. And it doesn't have a site then probably it's owned by a Domain reseller who will ask big amount depending on how catchy or generic it is. But that way at least you will have to chance to buy it from the person.


New member
The name is trademarked, actually. But I have permission of the owner to use it, in case I can get it from any of the others who have bought those domains. They aren't using them. One of these seem normal. I googled the email address, the other seems to have a lot of domains so I don't know.. wish me luck haha


New member
Hmm I have no idea what law says about Trademark holder and entity who has permission to use it can claim it same way. But You have a better chance to get if you know the holder and person is with you. If Trademark holder request you can get the domain even if it's used for something else. providing the Trandmark is registered before the domain name.

Good Luck !!!!! :)