So during the last few days I've noticed pages of Gigarank downloading slower on an intermittent basis, but only with Gigarank. Then this morning after continued intermittent slow downs decided to check this out and discovered serious packet losses with Gigarank. So this then completely puzzles me. Why would I have a 40% packet loss with Gigarank and ZERO packet loss with Frihost and Google? The Gigarank server is in France. The Frihost server in Germany. Google probably has a local server in the UAE.
Anything I can to do on my end to fix this? I don't use WiFi. I have a dedicated broadband fibre optic service. With a direct ethernet cable to my computer. I'm on Windows 7.
Anything I can to do on my end to fix this? I don't use WiFi. I have a dedicated broadband fibre optic service. With a direct ethernet cable to my computer. I'm on Windows 7.