Preferred VPS - Windows or Linux?


New member
Out of Linux and Windows VPS what would you rather ? and why ?

Reason ask is because want to get one but not sure witch one.


New member
Linux has more features for hosting like ngnix and caching like varnish so its mostly prefered choice.


I would prefer a Linux VPS because I would assume that it would be cheaper since the software is free. I also like Linux there are so many different OS you can choose from for your server and can be quite challenging to set up which is why I like it.


New member
Honestly I would prefer a Windows VPS as though linux VPSes are better made webservers as compared to their Windows Counterpart, yet Windows VPSes allow one to run Windows based apps allowing slightly more versatality than that offered by linux. But then again I am kind of a linux noob anyway so it does not make much of a difference anyway...:p


New member
I prefer linux over windows. PHP has many features working buggy (or not at all) in windows. Also command line is easier and has more features.


New member
Even I'm a beginner, I choosed linux over windows. Even it's not so intuitive as windows and not using graphics on my vps, it's more powerful. I run a vps on 512mb ram and it powers a website with around 2.000 sessions every day. It can handle all the traffic and still has some ram available.


Staff member
huoldz said:
I would prefer a Linux VPS because Linux has more features for hosting
Not sure what you mean when you say Linux has more features for hosting, can you explain? :unknown:


Genesis said:
Not sure what you mean when you say Linux has more features for hosting, can you explain? :unknown:

Well Maybe he meant that there is a wide range of Linux OS which have different features comapred to each one to some extent.


Staff member
Linux for sure. It's more secure. The more bells and whistles for creating a user-friendly desktop environment the greater the risk for hackers to get in. Command line is always better from a security point of view.
I used windows server and I also used linux servers , my preference goes to linux because in my case I used it for a game server , and as the linux system requires fewer resources on going faster and you could connect even more players servers . I used ubuntu also to make the php sites with apache , and I must say that everything worked perfectly . In general I think it is more efficient as a server linux but we must learn to use the controls .


New member
Linux for multiple reasons

1. Cheaper
2. More reliable
3. More control panel apps for web hosting
4. very low resources will still run great!


New member
I would prefer a Linux VPS because I think that it would be cheaper and since linux is opensource, there will be more support. I also like Linux because I think Nginx is easier to setup than IIS on windows.


New member
I prefer Linux since i have problems using new versions of Windows - i only use Linux on all my computers for several years. I remember all the problems i had with Windows in the past and i don't want a part of this any more.

Linux is number one choice of OS for web-servers and mail server - see the ranks.



New member
I like Linux more then Windows, just because I think it is a lot easier to you, like the fact I've always used it so I know commands, and such but I'd be open to try Windows maybe once more.


New member
Forgot to mention that you do not have to deal with licensing, more customizable, and all around just more stable than Windows.