Hi all,
Could anyone provide me with any links, or helpful advice on how to have a wordpress header (from my mainpage) with menus, to appear over a mybb forum (similar to how it's done here on gigalicious.com). I am new to mybb, wordpress, and php. I've only really worked with SMF forum software but I grew tired of their community who pretty much told me to give up on trying to get a wordpress header over smf. After doing some research it appears several people have been quite successful achieving similar goals (silvertails.net/forum/ for example) using mybb software.
I saw a post referencing the header of this forum here - gigalicous.com/forum/thread-433.html?highlight=wordpress+header+over+mybb but I thought making a new thread would be more beneficial.
I currently set up a dummy site with place holder images (no CSS work yet) with smf, but I had no luck getting the wp header and smf to function properly so I am doing a fresh install of mybb now. test.inglouriousbasterds.org
If anyone reading these boards could either pm me, or reply I would greatly appreciate it. If it's something complicated that requires advanced php work, I wouldn't mind hiring someone to do so, I just don't know where to look!
// these forums wouldn't allow me to post clickable links, sorry for the sloppy links //
Could anyone provide me with any links, or helpful advice on how to have a wordpress header (from my mainpage) with menus, to appear over a mybb forum (similar to how it's done here on gigalicious.com). I am new to mybb, wordpress, and php. I've only really worked with SMF forum software but I grew tired of their community who pretty much told me to give up on trying to get a wordpress header over smf. After doing some research it appears several people have been quite successful achieving similar goals (silvertails.net/forum/ for example) using mybb software.
I saw a post referencing the header of this forum here - gigalicous.com/forum/thread-433.html?highlight=wordpress+header+over+mybb but I thought making a new thread would be more beneficial.
I currently set up a dummy site with place holder images (no CSS work yet) with smf, but I had no luck getting the wp header and smf to function properly so I am doing a fresh install of mybb now. test.inglouriousbasterds.org
If anyone reading these boards could either pm me, or reply I would greatly appreciate it. If it's something complicated that requires advanced php work, I wouldn't mind hiring someone to do so, I just don't know where to look!
// these forums wouldn't allow me to post clickable links, sorry for the sloppy links //