ReactJS VS AngualarJS VS AmberJS?


I found three most popular Javascript Framework used for developing Full Featured Web Application With ES6. But I have only worked with AngularJS to create Application. Which one is best for Creating Web Application with :
  • Two Way Data Binding
  • Simple Array/Objects Iteration with Custom Filter
  • East Back-End integration
  • Templating


New member
I use none of those and my websites look fine. My UIs are smooth and all of them are in vanilla html, css, and js. I don't know where people started considering the huge frameworks like these essential to web design, but they are not. The only thing my projects don't have in common to these is being responsive to display size, but that's more of a CSS/Bootstrap thing than anything. I am also beginning a class in responsive design this fall and plan to update all of them to not look awful on phones.


x3phobia said:
I found three most popular Javascript Framework used for developing Full Featured Web Application With ES6. But I have only worked with AngularJS to create Application. Which one is best for Creating Web Application with :
  • Two Way Data Binding
  • Simple Array/Objects Iteration with Custom Filter
  • East Back-End integration
  • Templating