Scientists Can Now Radically Expand the Lifespan of Mice?and Humans May Be Next


New member
50% Rule Applied, Original article at:

I think it's absolutely amazing some of the discoveries they're making in the field of genetics. It's also terrifying to think of some of the things they can possibly do to manipulate us as humans.


Staff member
I like the part where quality of life is enhanced by the process as that would probably help a lot with chronic diseases like cancer. Only worry I have is we've already got a bad case of serious overpopulation of the world in the face of steadily diminishing resources, quality of fresh air and food and serious pollution of the latter as a consequence. I'd rather that people stop producing so many new children when there are millions added that can't be looked after properly. I marvel how babies are added in the war territories like Syria when parents obviously can't care for them properly. Doesn't make sense at all. Then at the same time make it into some terrible war tragedy. What about the responsibility for bringing a child into the world when there are no resources available to support the child. Doesn't make any sense at all.


New member
Genesis said:
I like the part where quality of life is enhanced by the process as that would probably help a lot with chronic diseases like cancer. Only worry I have is we've already got a bad case of serious overpopulation of the world in the face of steadily diminishing resources, quality of fresh air and food and serious pollution of the latter as a consequence. I'd rather that people stop producing so many new children when there are millions added that can't be looked after properly. I marvel how babies are added in the war territories like Syria when parents obviously can't care for them properly. Doesn't make sense at all. Then at the same time make it into some terrible war tragedy. What about the responsibility for bringing a child into the world when there are no resources available to support the child. Doesn't make any sense at all.

I agree about that, I just don't understand the urge to bring new children into the world with the way things are going, resources are depleted, widespread wars, it just doesn't make sense. I'm not saying we need draconian 1 child policies ala China but birth rates need to be lowered humanely at least for a while.

I mean, what would quality of a highly extended life even matter in an overpopulated, warring world? Me personally, I don't want to live past 65, I cannot imagine what things will look like by then, I really cannot even imagine what things will look like by the end of this year...


Few taughts on this:

1- Compare between The website's chosen sensationalist (and traffic-generating)--irresponsible--title:
> Scientists Can Now Radically Expand the Lifespan of Mice?and Humans May Be Next
and the serious(/responsible) title of the actual research paper:
> Naturally occurring p16Ink4a-positive cells shorten healthy lifespan

2- The paper's area of research is Cell Biology (not genetics). Transgenic mice are routinely used in all area of Biology research since day 1 of that technology (early 80s.)

3- The study of the Biology of the Cell cycle started in late 80s and the mentioned article is just yet another drop/contribution to an ever-increasing body of knowledge in that area... Still, we are far from understanding the whole network of molecular interactions involved in regulating a cell's life cycle.... The day we do achieve that understanding will in fact also be the day 'Cancer' will be eradicated... the other Sci-Fi component of this (ie increasing the life span of a species) is also attainable within reasonable limits.

4- Here is the kicker. With the amount of pollution that we are generation nowadays (toxic materials of many kinds and in many physical state---gaz, liquid,solid and even as radiations, civil and military--the quasi systematic use of depleted Uranium by the US military in its Wars of choice in countries like Iraq and Vietnam etc...) that knowledge will only benefit a tiny bit of the World population who can afford the derived medicines who certainly will be patented and manufactured by BIG PHARMA.... How you feel about that?


New member
fouadChk said:
Few taughts on this:

1- Compare between The website's chosen sensationalist (and traffic-generating)--irresponsible--title:
> Scientists Can Now Radically Expand the Lifespan of Mice?and Humans May Be Next
and the serious(/responsible) title of the actual research paper:
> Naturally occurring p16Ink4a-positive cells shorten healthy lifespan

2- The paper's area of research is Cell Biology (not genetics). Transgenic mice are routinely used in all area of Biology research since day 1 of that technology (early 80s.)

3- The study of the Biology of the Cell cycle started in late 80s and the mentioned article is just yet another drop/contribution to an ever-increasing body of knowledge in that area... Still, we are far from understanding the whole network of molecular interactions involved in regulating a cell's life cycle.... The day we do achieve that understanding will in fact also be the day 'Cancer' will be eradicated... the other Sci-Fi component of this (ie increasing the life span of a species) is also attainable within reasonable limits.

4- Here is the kicker. With the amount of pollution that we are generation nowadays (toxic materials of many kinds and in many physical state---gaz, liquid,solid and even as radiations, civil and military--the quasi systematic use of depleted Uranium by the US military in its Wars of choice in countries like Iraq and Vietnam etc...) that knowledge will only benefit a tiny bit of the World population who can afford the derived medicines who certainly will be patented and manufactured by BIG PHARMA.... How you feel about that?

Exactly, they are going to price common people out of all of their cures, therapies and treatments, in fact, here in the US, it's already creeping and happening under Obamacare. Let us also not forget Fukushima, the ongoing catastrophe that IS STILL spewing radiation into the pacific ocean. It's completely messed up, stories like this are to cover or distract from a global depopulation agenda that's been in force for years...


Exactly, they are going to price common people out of all of their cures, therapies and treatments, in fact, here in the US, it's already creeping and happening under Obamacare. Let us also not forget Fukushima, the ongoing catastrophe that IS STILL spewing radiation into the pacific ocean. It's completely messed up, stories like this are to cover or distract from a global depopulation agenda that's been in force for years...

The FDA and AMA (Food and Drug administration and American Medical Association have been doing this to Americans for a very long time.

The first thing they did was use propaganda to discredit primitive healing methods.

Then established the AMA and made all other forms of medicine illegal. Now if you want to heal people you have to go to school for 7 years and sell your ideals to the AMA.

Modern research has found that many of the methods of primitive healers to be very effective if not as consistent as modern medicine.

Now that the medical industry was established, they started the FDA to champion the "war on drugs".

During this period they used propaganda to discredit and eventually make illegal a number of restorative naturally occuring plants. I don't think it's fair to make life forms illegal. If you must make life illegal, make it an annoying life form like mosquitoes or spiders, not a plant that has medicinal properties.

Plants like poppy and coca are now illegal. Which means that private citizens may not own or use them. However, much of modern medicine comes from these plants. Poppy is used in the manufacture of a number of powerful painkillers and coca is widely manufactred into a topical analgesic (not just to make cocaine). Essentially they have removed from us the ability to heal ourselves and forcing dependency upon the AMA, a multi billion dollar industry.

Cannabis has been shown to have a wide array of healing properties, and some varieties of the plant have been shown to slow or stop the growth of some kinds of cancer cells. 100 years ago cannabis was used in almost every kind of medicine, tonic, and potion. Cancer affected roughly 1 out of 1000 people. Since cannabis was made illegal Cancer now affects almost 50% of the population at some point in their lives. Mere coincidence? You decide.

Why is it okay for doctors to use these plants but not for us? Is it possible they don't want everyone to be able to heal themselves, they only want people with high incomes to be able to get access to medicine?

Please note that I'm not advocating the use of any drugs, (I personally don't even like to take aspirin or any kind of pill or powder) but I do question the value of restricting access to restorative plants. If you're going to make drugs illegal because of the effect they have on society that's fine, but you should permit people with the knowledge and willingness to heal their own bodies with naturally occuring plants. I call that concept "freedom".
NOTE: I wasn't sure if this should be posted here or in a new topic. While it is on a tangent to the concept of expanding life span and in context with the current discussion it also kind of digresses a bit. Please advise if necessary.


New member
Whenever something like this comes up I instantly wonder about the cost. How much would something like this (or similar) cost the average person? It reminds me of movies like In Time where you can live forever, but only if you have the money to contiune adding time to your life. There might be methods to extend human life in the future, but I'm pretty sure it won't be cheap, and only the Kim Kardashians of the future will be able to pay for it.


magedude said:
There might be methods to extend human life in the future, but I'm pretty sure it won't be cheap, and only the Kim Kardashians of the future will be able to pay for it.
Even if that happens (and I don't think it will in a serious way--it will be more of a cosmetic thing than really addressing the senescence problem at a more fundamental level) nothing will stop a trivial "accident" (a bullet in the head for example or one of Obama's drone strikes) from taking its toll on the 'forever young' effect.

Who's Kim Kardashians ?... :)