Genesis said:
If you haven't already worked with GIMP give it a try, particularly since it is LOADED with tutorials for every little thing you want to do. Here is just a small example, but I bet if you went to YouTube you'd get loads of tutorials on this topic as well:
I fool around with Gimp just to scale and crop a few photos occasionally or to run a canned script, but I am certainly no expert.
I was completely unaware of the tutorials, which certainly may be useful, maybe not, we'll see.
[One of the things I've learned in life is that to learn
anything, you have to have it presented to you in a way that makes sense to you, otherwise it's just wasted torture. This mainly hinges on whether you're an outcome-oriented or process-oriented personality. I'm definitely in the former category -- get the job done right ASAP, move on, don't look back. Tutorials/texts are usually prepared by process-oriented personalities who get spiritually into all the extraneous hot-key memorization for the 90% of functions they'll never use in this lifetime. Collisions between these two personalities in the workplace can provide some richly hilarious moments if you're not personally involved.]
totally a cheat-sheet on a Post-It kinda guy. :wink:
Alternatively you could try an online photo editing studio like this popular one:
I've never looked at that. I will, though I'd like to have a better working understanding of Gimp.
Genesis said:
I've found another tutorial there that is pretty much exactly what I want, at least for the first pass:
Thanks for the tip!