Smart phones not so SMART about Forum PMs


Staff member
Looks as though smart phones are not showing Forum PMs. It's the second time I've sent an important staff PM and it's not been picked up even though the person is active in the Forum. I can only assume it is again a case of a smart phone not being smart enough to pick up on PMs. Previous time another member was using mostly phone for Forum related stuff and somehow the presence of PMs don't show up on phones - or maybe certain phones? So wonder what could be done to get phones to be more PM friendly?

Any suggestions?

At any rate. If you are in the habit of using only your phone for forum related stuff at Gigarank, please check now and then for important PMs.


I found it works if I set it to give me an alert when I get a new PM. I had turned alerts off before, because I was getting a ton of them, but since the number of unread PMs isn't visible unless you go to the PM inbox in mobile view, setting an alert for PMs really becomes necessary for those who usually check forums on their phones.


Staff member
OK. Now I understand why alerts are so important. I've got mine turned off but am using desktop and laptop 100% of the time. My eyes are trained to pick up on messages in my inbox.


Staff member
Sander k said:
To solve your staff pm problem, make a staff forum ;)
Think you misunderstood and probably need to reread my opening post. I, the member of staff, was trying to get hold of a member (non-staff) by PM. That can't be solved in the Staff Forum of course as the member doesn't have access to the Staff Forum.

I was hoping that that member would read this thread and catch on, but sadly haven't been successful so far. :cry:


New member
I think most people get email alerts when they get new pms. I do, I think. Is there a way that can be set as default when registering the forums? That way everyone would be getting alerts when they get pms from the administrators.


Staff member
I don't think everybody needs alerts. I don't. And I'd prefer not to have to have them. I'm sure there must be others in the same category. So I think it should be a choice. I'd say most people pick up their PMs, so it's not a big enough problem to go to this extreme for every one.


New member
Just suggesting. and it's that. I didn't get an alert from my pm yesterday mobile. Nor alerts. hope whoever you need to get in touch with sees their messages on time :)


Staff member
Well turns out the person did receive the message and needed some extra time to respond. The problem was with the PM tracking system that cannot track PMs that have been opened with Smart phones. When the messages are accessed via computer, the tracking is right on. But not with Smart phones. Think we've had another myBB feature that had this problem too. A few months ago when we tried a plugin for counting monthly posts that members could view inside their profiles we discovered that posts that had been made with Smart phones had not been registered by the plugin. It wouldn't count posts that had been made with Smart phones. So maybe in the same way the PM tracking feature can't keep track of Smart phone actions.