Some Websites I have built Recently


Staff member
The Pilot Wedding Cars one is priceless! I also like with how you arranged the link bar on the top left of the page.

Great Websites DJB!


New member
I gotta say I really enjoyed the pilot wedding cars website. I thought the pics looked a bit pixelated tho. But apart from that, the layout was quite refreshing. Good job.


Staff member
Well done Chris. Like the clean design. And the symmetry of everything. The images are great. The layout is perfect.


Staff member
I like the font. And the slider center piece. Very eye catching. Great and simple design. Isn't it in competition with your own business though?


Staff member
I work for that company. They pay my wages so I would naturally support them. I keep my freelance work separate.


Staff member
Sounds like it complements one another. Making both stronger. Great stuff for us for sure. :cool:


New member
I like everything about it. Blue is my favourite colour. Everything is exactly where it should be and where the eye would be looking for it. The fonts are elegant and easy on the eye. The proportion copy to page is just right, not too much to read, and what is there has impact.

Great coding .... wish I could learn to do this:

<!-- #########################################
            Importing StyleSheet    

<!-- #########################################
            Importing Google Webfonts   


New member
I really like these templates. I wonder where I can get hold of a decent template for starting a gallery of artists?
I really like the simplicity of the Pilot Wedding Cars website. Elegance is lost this day and age when it comes to website design, so it is refreshing to see something that conveys what is lost! Great work!


Staff member
A recent design I have done is for Newington Leadwork.

Nothing special! Just something better than they originally had online, which had built in tables years ago. I gave it a quick revamp with cleaner code.

I like this site a lot. It's very simple (in a good way) and clean. I like the photo grid on the gallery page and there's a good consistency among the images.

I also really like the subtle line you have separating some areas of the pages. It took a while to figure out how you did that.