Sports tracking apps?


New member
So far, I have been using Just Six Weeks for doing push-ups (I have been excsersising this for several years regularly, but since like last month, I have started using apps to count the push-ups). That wasn't a sports tracking app to be honest, it did not check your progress.

Next, after I have started jogging/running more regularly, my friend recommended me Endomondo, I have checked it out but some time later, I another colleague told me about Runtastic Push-ups app. It is for doing Push-ups, of course, but there is another app made by Runtastic (among ever several more) for running. Thus, at the moment I am using Runtastic PRO and Runtastic Push-ups. They both send reports to one Runtastic server and thus, all the activity I want to record is in one place.

So, do you use any sports tracking applications on your smarthphone? Which one is your favourite?


New member
If anyone's intereted in the topic, I have found a new app yesterday: Strava. It is only for running and biking but looks pretty okay. I am not going to use it, but if anyone's interested, there's a free version you may want to try out.


New member
SoloSecKnight said:
Not 100% But i think the newer galaxies like Note4 and S5 have apps that can keep track of that for you

That's very probable. I have seen such an app on my buddy's iPhone 6: it has built-in pedometer that counts how far did the user walk on foot. Of course, Android has its own Google Fit but since it requires GPS turned on all the time, I prefer not to use it - it would eat my battery in like a day ;)


New member
iGdesigner said:
What about Endomondo buddy? Have you tried it?

Yup. The Pro version was once given away for free on Amazon app store and I got it. I have tried it for the first time I ran with my phone but for some reason I did not like it. If I remember correctly, it was not too accurate. It was probably pretty accurate but since I did not use anything else back then, I thought it sucked ;) Now, I am using Runtastic and to be honest, it works the same, if not worse :)

Some time ago I ran together with my friends, both of them use Endomondo; one has some Microsoft Lumia phone and the second one uses the mentioned iPhone. For some reason, although we all did the same distance, my app recorded it as 13,8 km, whereas their showed around 14,4 km. Not sure whether it is phone-specific (GPS module) or app-specific (Runtastic vs Endomondo).

I think I'm gonna do the same route several times, using Runtastic and Endomondo interchangeably, and see if the results differ ;)


Staff member
Yeah you are right, the applications are not accurate. You might want to find an accurate app, if it is there, but not sure about it.

You can try Endomondo vs Runtastic and see what is going on. It can be to do something with GPS, but not sure.


New member
I have been using RunKeeper for a long time.And it has helped me a lot a use to run almost 4.5 km in 30 minutes:(. and i improved it to 6 km in a month:yahoo: and RunKeeper was very helpful i haven't tried anyother apps because i think i only need an app o tell me how far did i run today.For runners it is perfect Tells you the distance you ran today it also tells you your pace for last five minutes that really helps you to push a little harder for next 5 minutes.It also stores all your data on their server so you can access it on any device. they also have a pro version but for me the free version was enough.
And i also like to listen to music while i am running, really helps to try hard and run fast.


New member
Gregoric said:
If anyone's intereted in the topic, I have found a new app yesterday: Strava. It is only for running and biking but looks pretty okay. I am not going to use it, but if anyone's interested, there's a free version you may want to try out.

I was going to say Strava as well. I use it for cycling, but you can put anything up including gym workouts/yoga/etc. I quite like how you can compare yourself to others. With cycling, for example, you can get Queen(/King) of the Mountain if you're the quickest in a specific climb segment.
It's kind of like a sports social network. You can follow professional athletes as well, if you want to compare yourself to them (not me, lol).


New member
When I was losing some weight i used some of the basic features of Samsung Health. I used it to track my steps, water intake, and weight. It was really helpful but I gor busy with other stuff and stopped. i never used any of the social features though.