Hi all,
I'm T3nnisFan. I ended up here because my previous web host suspended my account without notice and as far as I know, I was following all their rules and had read all their guidelines. My attempts to get an explanation or any kind of support has been met with neglect. Their rules stated that any suspension would come after a notice, which I never got. Unfortunately, all my files are now lost since I never kept any backups. I know that's a silly mistake but I'm somewhat of a newb. I only started making a site to hold a tiny bracket competition for tennis tournaments, which I do for free and for fun.
I'm quite disappointed with the previous host, who I shall not name in the spirit of professionalism and in accordance with this forum's rules. So, I'm hoping that this site will be at least a bit more friendlier towards its free users. The rules seem to indicate it anyway, which is good.
Hopefully I can get these 10 quality posts done soon so that I can apply for a free hosting account!
There was one thing that wasn't clear... Is PHP allowed?
It says 10 MYsql Databases will be allowed (on the /free-hosting.php page) so shouldn't PHP be allowed as well?
Thanks in advance for your replies.
I'm T3nnisFan. I ended up here because my previous web host suspended my account without notice and as far as I know, I was following all their rules and had read all their guidelines. My attempts to get an explanation or any kind of support has been met with neglect. Their rules stated that any suspension would come after a notice, which I never got. Unfortunately, all my files are now lost since I never kept any backups. I know that's a silly mistake but I'm somewhat of a newb. I only started making a site to hold a tiny bracket competition for tennis tournaments, which I do for free and for fun.
I'm quite disappointed with the previous host, who I shall not name in the spirit of professionalism and in accordance with this forum's rules. So, I'm hoping that this site will be at least a bit more friendlier towards its free users. The rules seem to indicate it anyway, which is good.
Hopefully I can get these 10 quality posts done soon so that I can apply for a free hosting account!
There was one thing that wasn't clear... Is PHP allowed?
Prohibited Use
Gigarank prohibits the use of its servers for:
* Text based online games that use crons to deliver mass mail.
* Web proxies of any kind, php, CGI etc.
It says 10 MYsql Databases will be allowed (on the /free-hosting.php page) so shouldn't PHP be allowed as well?
Thanks in advance for your replies.