templates that are seo


New member
Are there any good templates that are free that are already search engine optimized? Im looking for something for an auto parts business. It needs to have good colors and not be cluttered. I also need it to be where I can add php code and power it with a mysql code. I can take care of all the php and mysql parts.


Staff member
It`s probably worth looking at Wordpress, there`s thousands of themes and seo related plugins you can use for free. It may take a while to get work out the basic`s, but once you have done that Wordpress is a very powerful resource with lot`s of scope to improve on.


New member
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is tied to the type of site you have. For example, it would not make sense to optimize a template for a bookstore and use that for auto parts. You can look at various real, live auto parts websites to see what they do on their pages (view source) and adapt that to your needs. Many free SEO websites walk you through the necessary steps to help you get the results you want. Frequent (weekly) submission is a good idea to get the best results. Optimization is not a static process, it requires time, dedication, and knowledge gained by quantifying results to be effective.


New member
DJB said:
It`s probably worth looking at Wordpress, there`s thousands of themes and seo related plugins you can use for free. It may take a while to get work out the basic`s, but once you have done that Wordpress is a very powerful resource with lot`s of scope to improve on.
but many themes from there have broken Structured Data Markup, have error message when we test with http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets


New member
I would use wordpress and use seo plugins like the yoast plugin. You also need good on-page optimization and authority backlinks.