Text Based MMORPGs


New member
Does anybody here play any? I'm currently in the process of learning to make them and any input will be invaluable to me and any games I make.

If you do what are your favourite features?

What are the main aspects of interaction with other players that make you keep playing?

Are there any genres that you are really drawn to? ie mafia, vampire, space etc.

If you have any answers to the above or even your own ideas on features please post and I'll see about getting a more user defined game up that may appeal to the more avid gamers out there.


Staff member
I used to play, tried to make own games, thats life. Ogame is the best from games that i have played.


New member
Dekrypt said:
Does anybody here play any? I'm currently in the process of learning to make them and any input will be invaluable to me and any games I make.

If you do what are your favourite features?

What are the main aspects of interaction with other players that make you keep playing?

Are there any genres that you are really drawn to? ie mafia, vampire, space etc.

If you have any answers to the above or even your own ideas on features please post and I'll see about getting a more user defined game up that may appeal to the more avid gamers out there.

There was a while I played several muds extensively, mostly RP muds. Then I got tired of keeping up with my RP so I turned for Aardwolf with its more casual-friendly gameplay. I don't play muds these days but if I feel like going back, Aardwolf would be my default choice.

I'm not a text-based game guru myself, but Aardwolf manages to be very user-friendly. It provides helpful text pretty much everywhere you go, and a friendly newbie helper community who answers questions of basic mud knowledge. That I reckon is more important than any creative features a mud can come up with. It's also relevant to interaction with other players - friendliness, which is a very important aspect for new and old players to stay for the community bond, even if there are muds with better mechanics out there.

My favourite genres are really of personal preference, namely high fantasy and magical worlds. Although space wouldn't be a bad idea either and I don't see much popular space-theme muds.