The Interview


New member
This film got so much hype after N Korea hacked computer networks it was leaked onto the internet full 1080p version I can see why the N Koreans didn't want it aired however I did find it amusing to watch a bit of a daft film that portraits their leader as a bit of westernised man who like to listen to western music and is pretty down to earth the film is not great but worth watching just to see what all the hype was about

it had the best publicity of any movie for a long time.


New member
Is there anyone have download link or free watching to them ? Im just curious to watching this movie.


We can't even be sure it was North Korea that was behind the attack. Sony and the US both have motives for blaming NK.


New member
Peter said:
We can't even be sure it was North Korea that was behind the attack. Sony and the US both have motives for blaming NK.

True. Always a chance to make big issue get famously than the fact.


Staff member
Peter said:
We can't even be sure it was North Korea that was behind the attack. Sony and the US both have motives for blaming NK.
Agreed Peter. I don't trust any of the media that comes from the US. Particularly when it is political or provides a power advantage like in Syria or any of the Middle East "news" that come our way.


New member
There is no doubt in my mind that NK did NOT carry out that attack on Sony. It has been a great way to sensationalize the story and turn an otherwise unimpressive flick into huge blockbuster. The movie itself is pretty lame if you set aside all the rumors and hype. As far as the Sony leak/attack goes that's much more interesting, but I would just as soon blame my dog for it - it's well-established by now that NK was not to blame, but it's fun to think of other possible culprits. For instance: 3rd party acting on behalf of the competing top media groups, NSA testing new tools, 3rd party acting on behalf of US lobbyist seeking policy changes, tech security provider looking to raise demand or price for their services.


New member
Well I downloaded it online. I can't say it's something super great. Just an average comedy I ended up fast forwarding most of the time. So at end Kim gets blown up. It's the usual drama in international Politics. North Korea always make all kinds of threats about everything. But again it's mocking their president so I guess they an protest about it. Probably USA would protest if someone make a movie making Obama like idiot.


New member
I can't understand why so many people don't like this movie.
In my opinion it was a hilarious flick ;-)