Update on this image - Gigarank Homepage


Staff member
See the image below:

This currently displayed on our homepage, note the prominent scripts? Really they should be Wordpress, phpBB, etc etc.

Any takers?


Staff member
Thanks for bumping this Yozora. That link is VERY useful. I may give it a try later in the day. Need to think of some ideas first. But will give it a bash.


New member
If I may, I think this image should be changed to something easier to understand for "dummies" - I remember there was a thread to request a new image a while ago. The slogan "Leading Auto Installer having 320 great scripts, 1115 php classes" to something that mentions the most used scripts, Wordpress, Joomla, Coppermine, Phpbb, prestashop etc I agree with adding the most used scripts to the image like Genesis did, but for most people, they don't know what softaculous means...

It works for people who know a lot of this stuff, but in general most people won't really know. The auto installer part has to stay though. Besides I think the image is too crowded.

Today I posted on another thread about other host services and I really liked how this one has it on their homepage. It's simple, it's colorful and it's on point.

Like this, for example:



Staff member
I can't see the image tangled. Is it possible to post a different link or to upload it?


Staff member
@"tangledmemories", You should use our image hosting to make sure that the image will appear on the forum as we cannot see your example and we cannot really know what you are on about. From the context I know, I can agree with you, but cannot see the example image.


New member
Weird, I don't know what happened. I hyperlinked the image from it's source.

Something like this, for example.... (it's from another host)


Staff member
That looks interesting, but it also don't suit the design of the website. Once we re-brand home page, then we will be able to put stuff like that, because it is amazing.


New member
It was just a suggestion, no need to pay designers for that I think... I can come up with something and post here to see if you guys like it... The one that's there right now is good...


Staff member
They're not like real designers. More like hobby people. But if you can come up with something better, I'm sure Chris will appreciate any contributions. Obviously whether he will pick them is another matter. Took a long while for him to settle on the one that Hazem contributed.


New member
I used to be on fiverr, a couple years ago I think. Some are designers, but real designers don't want to work for only $5. ;)
I will do it anyway, I can use it for my personal portfolio even if not used.


Staff member
Your work will be apperciated, but I wouldn't put that on the portfolio if I was you, just because it is nothing cool to share with the other people.