From experience, trying anything else without these first three is like pulling teeth.
ajeroth said:From experience, trying anything else without these first three is like pulling teeth.
# This script sets /etc/hosts file, changes root password, sets the hostname,
# creates user catcher, sets up ssh keys for catcher and root, updates apt-get source
# file, updates OS and installs basing set of packages
# TODO: Timestamping
# Environment setup
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
TTicPackList=`cat /home/catcher/scripts/instconf-base-files/TTicPackList`
TTicPackList=`cat /home/catcher/scripts/instconf-base-files/TTicPackList`
TTLog=/var/log/TTinstconf-base-`date +"$Y$m$d$H$M$S"`.log
# Code BEGIN
# Checking parameters
if [ "$#" != "1" ]; then
? ? ? ? echo "[ERR0] - Incorrect number of parameters"
? ? ? ? echo
? ? ? ? echo "instconf-base - HDCS base system installation script"
? ? ? ? echo
? ? ? ? echo "Usage:"
? ? ? ? echo "instconf-base host"
? ? ? ? echo "host\t- hostname of the installed node"
? ? ? ? echo
? ? ? ? echo "Mind that script exits with exit code 1, if no parameters are set"
? ? ? ? echo "or incorrect number of parameters is set"
? ? ? ? exit 1
echo "[INFO] - This is HDCS Base system installation and configuration script."
# Setting hostname
#echo "[INFO] - Setting hostname"
#echo $1 > /etc/hostname
#echo "[ OK ] - Hostname set"
# Hostname setting check
#TTicHostF=`cat /etc/hostname`
#if [ "$1" != "$TTicHostF" ]; then
# echo "[ERR0] - Setting writing hostname into /etc/hostname file failed"
# exit 4
# Changing root password
#echo "[INFO] - Changing root password"
#echo "root:$TTicRootPass"|chpasswd
#if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
# echo "[ERR0] - Changing root password failed"
# exit 5
#echo "[ OK ] - Root password changed"
# Verifying if existing /etc/hosts file already has HDCS Namespace in it
#echo "[INFO] - Verifying existing hosts file"
#TTicExistingHostsFileCheck=`grep "HDCS Namespace" /etc/hosts 2> /dev/null |wc -l`
#if [ "$TTicExistingHostsFileCheck" != "0" ]; then
# echo "[ERR0] - HDCS Namespace already imported! Exiting!"
# exit 2
# echo "[ OK ] - Existing hosts file seems OK"
# Appending a newline and downloaded namespace into /etc/hosts
#echo "[INFO] - Importing namespace into hosts file"
# Backing up existing hosts file
#mkdir /root/backup 2> /dev/null
#cp /etc/hosts /root/backup/hosts-backup-`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`
# Adding HDCS namespace to /etc/hosts file
#echo >> /etc/hosts
#cat $TTicFilesPath/TThosts >> /etc/hosts
#echo "[ OK ] - Namespace imported"
# Verifying if imported successfuly
#echo "[INFO] - Verifying imported data"
#TTicImportedHostsCheck=`grep "HDCS Namespace" /etc/hosts 2> /dev/null |wc -l`
#if [ "$TTicImportedHostsCheck" = "1" ]; then
# echo "[ OK ] - Imported Data Seems OK"
# echo "[ERR0] - Imported data NOT OK! Exiting!"
# exit 3
# Creating user catcher and setting it's password
echo "[INFO] - Creating user catcher"
#adduser --disabled-login --gecos Tomas catcher
#if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
# echo "[WARN] - User creation failed (user catcher)"
chmod 700 /home/catcher
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "[ERR0] - ACL securing catcher's home (chmod 700) failed"
exit 6
echo "[ OK ] - Done creating user catcher"
#echo "[INFO] - Setting catcher's password"
#echo "catcher:$TTicCatcPass"|chpasswd
#if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
# echo "[ERR0] - Changing catcher's password failed"
# exit 7
#echo "[ OK ] - Catcher's password set"
# Downloading catcher's rsa keys and known_hosts file from conman storage
# and copying them into .ssh of catcher
#echo "[INFO] - Setting up .ssh files for catcher"
#mkdir /home/catcher/.ssh 2> /dev/null
#chown catcher:catcher /home/catcher/.ssh
#chmod 700 /home/catcher/.ssh
#cat $TTicFilesPath/id_rsac > /home/catcher/.ssh/id_rsa
#cat $TTicFilesPath/ > /home/catcher/.ssh/
#cat $TTicFilesPath/authorized_keys > /home/catcher/.ssh/authorized_keys
#chown catcher:catcher /home/catcher/.ssh/*
#chmod 600 /home/catcher/.ssh/authorized_keys
#chmod 600 /home/catcher/.ssh/id_rsa
#chmod 640 /home/catcher/.ssh/
#echo "[ OK ] - Done setting up .ssh files for catcher"
# Downloading root's rsa keys and known_hosts file from conman storage
# and copying them into .ssh of root
#echo "[INFO] - Setting up .ssh files for root"
#mkdir /root/.ssh 2> /dev/null
#chown root:root /root/.ssh
#chmod 700 /root/.ssh
#cat $TTicFilesPath/id_rsar > /root/.ssh/id_rsa
#cat $TTicFilesPath/ > /root/.ssh/
#chown root:root /root/.ssh/*
#chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
#chmod 640 /root/.ssh/
#echo "[ OK ] - Done setting up .ssh files for root"
# Downloading sources file from conman storage and replacing existing
# /etc/apt/sources.list with it
echo "[INFO] - Installing apt sources file"
mkdir /root/backup 2> /dev/null
cp /etc/apt/sources.list /root/backup/sources.list-backup-`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`
cat $TTicFilesPath/TTicSL > /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "[ OK ] - Apt sources files installed"
# Update the OS before installing new packages
echo "[INFO] - Updating OS"
apt-get -y --force-yes update > $TTLog 2>&1
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "[ERR0] - 'apt-get update' failed in the first run"
exit 8
apt-get -q -y --force-yes upgrade > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "[ERR0] - 'apt-get -q -y upgrade' failed"
exit 9
echo "[ OK ] - OS update done"
# Downloading the list of packages for base installation from conman remote storage
# and installing them
echo "[INFO] - Installing packages"
apt-get -q -y --force-yes install $TTicPackList > $TTLog 2>&1
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "[ERR0] - 'apt-get -q -y install' failed"
exit 10
echo "[ OK ] - Packages installed"
# All seems to be done and OK, informing and exiting
echo "[INFO] - Installation of base system is done. Exiting"
exit 0
# This script imports x2go keyring, x2go repository data, installs x2go client and a bunch of
# other software, sets up catcher's configuration (some .config files, documents, icedove,
# .bash* files, .x2go and .xscreensaver), installs scripts and sets up ACLs
# TODO: Error checking
# TODO: Usage message and display
# TODO: Parameter set check
# Environment setup
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
TTicPackList=`cat /home/catcher/scripts/instconf-desktop-files/TTicPackList`
# Code BEGIN
# Copying files over to /root/
cp /home/catcher/scripts/instconf-desktop-files/* /root/
# Installing a bunch of software
echo "[INFO] - Installing software"
apt-get -y --force-yes install $TTicPackList >> $TTin 2>&1
echo "[ OK ] - Software installed"
# Importing catcher's .config structure
echo "[INFO] - Setting up catcher"
mkdir /home/catcher/.config
chown catcher:catcher /home/catcher/.config
pigz -d /root/dotconfig.tar.gz
tar xf /root/dotconfig.tar
cp -r /root/dotconfig/.config/* /home/catcher/.config/
chown -R catcher:catcher /home/catcher/.config
echo "[ OK ] - Catcher set up"
# Importing Documents
echo "[INFO] - Copying data"
pigz -d documents.tar.gz
tar xf documents.tar
mkdir /home/catcher/Documents
chown catcher:catcher /home/catcher/Documents
mv Documents/* /home/catcher/Documents/
chown -R catcher:catcher /home/catcher/Documents
echo "[ OK ] - Data copyied"
# Allowing catcher to do anything without a password
echo "[INFO] - Setting up sudoers"
echo >> /etc/sudoers
echo "catcher ? ?ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
echo "[ OK ] - Sudoers updated"
# Importing catcher's icedove config
#echo "[INFO] - Setting up icedove configuration"
#pigz -d ./icedove.tar.gz
#tar xf ./icedove.tar
#mv ./icedove /home/catcher/.icedove
#chown -R catcher:catcher /home/catcher/.icedove
#echo "[ OK ] - Icedove config imported"
# Importing .bash files
echo "[INFO] - Importing .bash* files"
pigz -d ./dotbash.tar.gz
tar xf ./dotbash.tar
cp ./dotbash/r.bashrc /root/.bashrc
cp ./dotbash/c.bashrc /home/catcher/.bashrc
chown catcher:catcher /home/catcher/.bash*
chmod 600 /home/catcher/.bash*
echo "[ OK ] - rc files and history imported for root and catcher"
# Importing some more data for catcher
echo "[INFO] - Importing Notes, Firefox, recents, x2go and such for catcher"
pigz -d moredots.tar.gz
tar xf moredots.tar
mkdir -p /home/catcher/.local/share/notes/Notes
for i in `ls ./moredots/`; do
mv ./moredots/$i /home/catcher/.local/share/notes/Notes/
chown -R catcher:catcher /home/catcher/.local
mv ./moredots/.mozilla /home/catcher/.mozilla
chown -R catcher:catcher /home/catcher/.mozilla
echo "[ OK ] - Notes, Firefox, recents, xscreensaver and x2go config imported for catcher"
#echo "[INFO] - Installing x2go client and importing x2goclient config"
# Running external script
#echo "[ OK ] - x2go client and config setup done"
# Setting up Terminal rc
echo "[INFO] - Setting up terminal rc for catcher"
mkdir -p /home/catcher/.config/Terminal 2> /dev/null
cp /home/catcher/scripts/instconf-desktop-files/terminalrc /home/catcher/.config/Terminal/
chown catcher:catcher /home/catcher/.config/Terminal/terminalrc
chmod 644 /home/catcher/.config/Terminal/terminalrc
echo "[ OK ] - terminalrc for catcher set up"
# Linking scripts into /usr/bin
#echo "[INFO] - Scripts ACL + linking to ?/usr/bin"
#for i in `file /home/catcher/scripts/*|grep "Bourne-Again shell script"|awk '{print $1}'|sed 's/://g'`; do
# chmod +x $i
# ln -s $i /usr/bin/`echo $i|awk -F/ '{print $NF}'` > /dev/null 2>&1
#echo "[ OK ] - Scripts done"
# Setting ACL
echo "[INFO] - Setting ACL"
chown -R catcher:catcher /home/catcher
chmod -R 700 /home/catcher
chmod -R 700 /root
echo "[ OK ] - ACL setup done"
# Removing temporary files
echo "[INFO] - Cleaning up"
rm -rf /root/dotconfig*
rm -rf /root/documents*
rm -rf /root/scripts.tar
rm -rf /root/dotbash*
rm -rf /root/moredots*
rm -rf /root/icedove.tar
echo "[ OK ] - All is clean now"
# All seems to be done and OK, exiting
echo "[INFO] - All done, exiting"
exit 0
catcher said:The first thing i do with a fresh Linux install (base system only, no GUI) is that i run a script i have been developing for years now:
joknight said:Since I'm not administering any large scale installations, and just running a linux server for the home, first steps involve apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade. Then SSH keys are setup for passwordless SSH login and drivers compiled for the rocketraid card. Once the mechanical storage is available, apt-get samba and setup users/shares. I run a website at home for my own reference, so apache, php and mysql installed and setup (no scripts yet, unfortunately haven't had the time, and I seem to change my mind rather frequently as to how I want to set it up! Oh...almost forgot the ClamAV and freshclam. Can't be too cautious.
dmull said:joknight said:Since I'm not administering any large scale installations, and just running a linux server for the home, first steps involve apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade. Then SSH keys are setup for passwordless SSH login and drivers compiled for the rocketraid card. Once the mechanical storage is available, apt-get samba and setup users/shares. I run a website at home for my own reference, so apache, php and mysql installed and setup (no scripts yet, unfortunately haven't had the time, and I seem to change my mind rather frequently as to how I want to set it up! Oh...almost forgot the ClamAV and freshclam. Can't be too cautious.
Need to start somewhere, and this is the somewhere! You sound so much like me. I like to tinker! Answer me this, how often do you reinstall as you feel it starts to get cluttered?
Do you like Ubuntu or Debian based OS?