What do you use to play FPS?


New member
if you like to play First Person Shut what you use for play?

1) Console
2) Computer
3) Mobile

I try with console but I have problem with the pad. I like PC because with mouse the control of shutting is perfect.



New member
Computer obviously. Lol. Computer gives the most accurate shooting abilities. The mouse FAR supersedes the controller in such regards.


New member
I see an other think in my country many shop start to sell less PC game than console.
I know exist steam, origin, App Store, etc. but I worry the game maker start to sell less for computer and more for console.



New member
I use my desktop (keyboard/mouse) for playing Call of Duty and I use my console (gamepad) to play Battlefield 4.


I strongly prefer playing FPS on a normal desktop computer. I can't imagine how you would play it on a mobile :huh:


New member
For FPS I prefer a console (like XBox or PlayStation) because the joystick is perfect - far superior to the mouse and keyboard combo. I'm left-handed, so any game that does not allow me to use a left-mouse, or forces me to use the 'ASDF' keys for movement I won't play. Have you ever tried to use a left-hand mouse and put your right hand on the 'ASDF' keys? That REALLY is awful, and gets worse the longer you play.


New member
You know, I hadn't thought about it until just now, but I prefer the PC, but I actually really only place FPSs from console. I guess that doesn't really make any sense, ha ha. I suppose part of it is that I don't really have a super beefy computer (or the desire to spend money to upgrade), so console means no lag or other issues... it's a little simpler that way I guess?


New member
Games that are MultiPlatform are designed to suit all types of players. I tend to find it much better on the PC compared to consoles as consoles control can be annoying, I don't like to use Auto-Aim as thats for those who cant shoot straight or lazy.

Any thoughts? Pro & Cons? PC or Console?


New member
It's always mouse and keyboard, there is no alternative to that.
Same game, PC player vs. Console player, same skills --> PC player will always win :)