What was the weirdest stuff you thought as a kid?


New member
When we were kids we all thought weird things...You know you have.
When i was a kid i thought all weird stuff but some of the most common for all of us would be "If I cant see you, You can't see me"
So we dont want want the common ones. We want the weirdest you can think of :)


Hmm, probably that most adults were literally insane. Part of insanity is doing things that don't make sense, and a lot of things adults did didn't make sense to me back then (because I was way too young at the time). So I just figured they were insane and tried to make the best of it. :p


New member
I always thought of the possibility of jumping down from a particular 3 storey building and parachuting down with an umbrella. You wouldn't believe how possible I believe this could be at the time lol.


New member
As a kid I always thought about where babies come from. I was wondering if they just randomly appeared somewhere for parents to pick up lol.


Yozora said:
Hmm, probably that most adults were literally insane. Part of insanity is doing things that don't make sense, and a lot of things adults did didn't make sense to me back then (because I was way too young at the time). So I just figured they were insane and tried to make the best of it. :p

If we think about it--philosophically speaking--we/(most of us at least) are indeed insane... And I want to salute here the minority that retained their "childhood innocence, curiosity etc..."


New member
I used to believe when I held my breath my heart stopped beating so I'd live for longer lol!


New member
I truely believed to the point of having realistic dreams that telekinesis(moving thing with your mind) was possibility, i downloaded 100s of pages of txt files of "real reports" on how to move stuff with your mind but all i got was dreams that were so realistic i would almost sezuire when i met reality(when i woke up).