Whats a good way to start learning HTML?


New member
I agree with the statements about W3 schools for learning HTML. Make sure that you're learning HTML 5 since that's all the rage with its flexibility and whatnot...

My go-to for anything web-coding is W3, but I also find Stack Overflow to be very useful in getting answers when I get stuck on something. I love, love, love PHP and will never stop using it as a backend for my sites. When I code, I find it best to write everything in Notepad++ and try it out on a personal localhost server before taking it live on my sites.

Another bit of advice I can give is make sure to learn best practices in opening and closing tags and also using comments. This will help you so much when you have to go back to something and change it later. Also, make use of CSS as much as you can. This makes changing your theme super easy.


The sites I used are dead now, but if I could do it over, something like Codecademy would have been really helpful if it existed back then.


New member
Kanacademy has a good coding section where you can code and see what efect it has at the same time, It hlped me quite a bit when i was first starting out but I'm no expert anyway i just have a basic working knowledge.


New member
bogner17 said:
Where I have basically learned everything I know today SQL, PHP, XHTML, CSS ASP.NET Jquery and Javascript it all began at http://www.w3schools.com/, we reference this site a lot at university.

Nothing quite like getting it straight from the horses mouth! It's pretty dry, and hard to read sometimes, but usually pretty thorough documentation. I think I learned more about programming on the internet than I did in college ...
I started with an open source CMS and started playing. Most of the sites I learnt from are long gone now. I used w3c to update the code to meets standards of web browsers, I learnt a lot that way. If I couldn't figure something out, I would google it and someone would explain how to do it.


New member
Youtube and using existing templates is how i learned. I get free templates and modify them to see what kind of results i get. Also the website world is evolving. I just started using adobe muse and now i can make a website ten times faster and it makes it compatible for phones and tablets


Staff member
duard9 said:
I just started using adobe muse and now i can make a website ten times faster and it makes it compatible for phones and tablets
I've just learned from you thread as well. Have to check out adobe muse, particularly if one can create a Website ten times faster. :cool:

Just checked, and the http://muse.adobe.com/ home page has a Stonerocket on it. Now that has to be good luck for any one who wants to use Adobe Muse :p



New member
First of All,as a beginner learn HTML + CSS from


Then apply your knowledge by creating a very simple web site, where you will get an idea of how things are put together to make something useful.


Finish this untill the end, where one can get a very good understanding of how web sites are built.
Last but not the least you will know how you can publish your web site to some hosting servers.

Trust me as a beginner you will enjoy this.

Best of luck.


New member
I am currently enjoying a free trial of HTML from teamtreehouse and really getting to grips with new concepts , all at my own pace.

They take you from the very basics of coding your first line of HTML to working with more advanced HTML5 techniques and mastery of semantic markup. I'm also learning about styling my websites with CSS.

What I enjoy most is the exciting quizzes & challenges which spring up periodically, to reinforce learning and show your weaknesses up, so you can re-study certain sections.

Thoroughly recommend this for beginners to HTML.


New member
I recommend w3schools, its the best site to learn HTML,CSS,PHP and many other languages. It has a unique and user friendly interface. It is where I learned coding.


New member
In my experience, I learned alot from w3Schools... and code school, so in my opinion, that would be the first place to start, as they are easy enough to follow... and interactive.


New member
Hey mate :)
I learn HTML in middl scool :)
It's the easyst way that you show some tutorials on youtube :)

but the best way is Try and Error ;)


New member
Codeacademy is a good website to learn basics of coding. They have lessons on multiple languages. Html,css,Perl. I got started there and need to do done refresher in the future.


New member
First of all, one should have interest in creating nice web pages using HTML. I think HTML is the best language to learn if you want to start working on web development, because it is simple and easy to learn. I would like to suggest sites like w3schools, tizag to start learning HTML. Just remember one thing, Practice Makes Man Perfect!


New member
Namdnas said:
Codeacademy is a good website to learn basics of coding. They have lessons on multiple languages. Html,css,Perl. I got started there and need to do done refresher in the future.

Codeacademy is indeed a good start, although i find the tutorials slightly boring at times. The best way to learn, is when you have a goal. So try to find a project that you would like to complete that requires html. This gives you the motivation to plow through the codeacademy tutorials. Besides that, w3schools has a really comprehensive guide on html, which is great to use as a reference when you slightly understand the basics of html.


New member
I personally use w3schools.com for HTML beause there is a lot of example and live preview of project works.
I also use youtube to know HTML in advanced.


New member
I always, always visit ww3 school for any thing related to HTML. It's always the best for me. It's really informative and consists of lot of information regarding HTML and various other languages.