I'm wondering whether any one has some thoughts on Syria? What's going to happen with it? Do you think Assad is going to last? And if he is toppled from his position, what do you think is going to happen next?
I'm not sure what's going to happen. All I know what is happening is bad. And wonder whether even if they got rid of Assad it would ever get any better? If Egypt is taken as an example, looks as though people are just fed-up now, and will never be happy with any leadership. Probably a sign of where things are moving in the Middle East?
The Egyptian government seems to ignore the people and just do as it pleases (my opinion from what I have seen) whereas if they had a true democratic society they might be happy and start to function better without the same cracks appearing. As for Syria I haven't got a clue what will happen but it will get worse before it shows any signs of improving.
I hope that we (Europe) stays out of that mess!
Let Assad stay, its the best for almost every one. We have had Al Qiada in Afganistan, I don't want them to rule in Syria.
Absolutely agreed un4. It's a bad decision. But no doubt there were special quid pro quo negotiations in the back ground, i.e. Turkish Government gets X, Y Z in return. Nothing ever is the way it appears with those Government wheelings and dealings. Think all the major wars in history must have taught us that.
Turkey is a part of the UN, the Netherlands too. If the Turkeys want to start a war, we need to protect them for what ever reason.
I hope they will be smart enough not to do it.
Turkey is a part of the UN, the Netherlands too. If the Turkeys want to start a war, we need to protect them for what ever reason.
I hope they will be smart enough not to do it.
Our scout missiles are commanding by Dutch commanders in Syria border. There are some NATO rules about that, but this shitty government had a deal with China to replace with newer versions of those missiles. Chinese are ally with Russia and we already know the relationship between Russia&China and USA. I seriously dont know what our prime minister is trying to do. I always vote against him but... Damn.. I hope there wont be a war. I'm telling this as an ex-army member. I saw many things...
I know that we (the Dutch) are protecting the Turkisch borders with missiles for a while now. Do they really think that Assad will be stupid enough to attack Turkey and by that attack a member of the NATO?