Windows 10 or should I say winblows 10

Its now approaching 3 weeks since the release of windows 10. This is the first free release for all users. I was puzzled by the way they were releasing the new O/S. It turns out, I was glad I didn't update. They appear to be having issues and keep releasing update that seem to crash everyones computers. The full article can be found here about it.

With that being said. Not 100% certain, but I think Windows 10 was to stop people from using pirated windows. I have and always will use pirated windows. Now this may be due to every windows 10 user trying to update, but my windows 7 will not take updates. I even did a fresh install with windows 64 bit on a laptop and the same thing. Will not connect to the update server to update. I notice that my svhost will use up to 1 gig of memory. After checking what services where running, found out, its windows update service. So, I will wait out this storm and see what is happening. I just picked up a new HP g6 laptop today because it had a bad HD. SO, I think I will try my copy of windows 8.1 and see what happens with it.


Staff member
I knew it! Thanks for confirmation Strokerace. It's just too good to be true for Microsoft to allow those who pirated Windows before to have a clean sailing through Windows 10. Much better to stay pirated. Nothing free about "free" from Microsoft.


Ugh, I wish they didn't force updates. I like to wait a little while before updating to see if there are any reports of certain updates causing problems. When my computer stops being supported security-wise I'll probably have to get a Windows 10 one. Darn. Besides work stuff I mostly use my Android devices more than my PC, but still....


Staff member
I have so many updates to run, I don't run them because I cannot be bothered. They usually install by automatic when you restart your computer.


New member
I knew it was too good to be true! I considered it for a little while but I haven't had time to deal with it. Of course I always make an image so I can restore if I don't like something.
I have heard this for a few years now that M$ has been working with the NSA. First to keep track on users and their browsing habits.
Then a few years back, the chatter came about of M$ was trying to make it impossible for those to use pirated software and torrent sites.
So, now it looks like M$ has found a way to beat the users. Chances are, this is just a temp blockage and someone will find away around it again like always.


New member
I'm having no problems with windows 10, and I turned a lot of the privacy things off. Oh and Microsoft is using bit torrent to run the updates. I turned that off too lol


New member
can i see screenshot of windows 10 os? how it looks? i heard it has few security problems.

i am using windows 8.1 and i will stay with it till windows 10 do not gets stable.


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rave said:
can i see screenshot of windows 10 os? how it looks? i heard it has few security problems.

i am using windows 8.1 and i will stay with it till windows 10 do not gets stable.
Why not Google Windows 10 Rave? Should give you plenty of screenshots of what it looks like.


New member
I upgraded my moms lappy to W10 last week luckily it gives you an option to roll back to the previous OS within 1 month, I think windows 10 should be called Google10 I struggled to even create a 2nd account on my OWN computer without having a google account & registering it, you can't use cortana to her potential if you don't agree to let her read all your emails & monitor you - ill be sticking with W7 & Linux Mint 17.1 rebecca

if you want windows 10 but haven't received the update click here
aya said:
I upgraded my moms lappy to W10 last week luckily it gives you an option to roll back to the previous OS within 1 month, I think windows 10 should be called Google10 I struggled to even create a 2nd account on my OWN computer without having a google account & registering it, you can't use cortana to her potential if you don't agree to let her read all your emails & monitor you - ill be sticking with W7 & Linux Mint 17.1 rebecca

if you want windows 10 but haven't received the update click here

That is how M$ is spying on you. Also, that is just a tool to create an image of windows 10 you already have installed by the looks of it.


New member
no it's the full install of W10 you can upgrade from your current OS or burn to DVD-USB


Staff member
Anyone that`s thinking to upgrade to MS Windows 10..

Win 8 - Sure

Win 7 - Probably gonna regret

Vista - No brainer

XP - I admire your stance


Eh, I'm finding Vista very stable (when I got it the bugs must have been ironed out or something, as once I disabled all the eye candy it worked fine), and support for it continues until two years from now. Since the upgrade isn't free for me, I'd rather keep saving up so I can buy a whole new computer by then.
I did a fresh install of windblows 8.1 on a laptop that came with 8. My lord. Do I feel sorry for you fools that are running it. Can't do anything on it. Takes an hour to shut down the system. 38 clicks to get to the control panel. I thought windows 7 was bad, but 8!! How in the hell can anyone call that an operating system??? Its junk, doesn't work like it should and has no style. Thank god I found I can install windows 7 on it and the drivers for it.

I think I will hack windows 8 and fix it for MS. Seeing they can't get it right.


Staff member
strokerace said:
I think I will hack windows 8 and fix it for MS. Seeing they can't get it right.
:p How will you fix it? What parts did you find are wrong? I know about the part that Microsoft designed it more for touch screen than desktop users, so am curious what bugged you about it and what you would do to redesign it.

I'm on Windows 7 and initially hated it because of all of the downloads I had to get in order for it to start working. I'm OK with it, but I still miss Windows XP. It was much lighter, less bells and whistles.

Is Microsoft the only place that can design OS's? Surely there has to be someone who could compete with Microsoft and Apple?
Ok, it may have been designed for a touch screen device, but it doesn't work in that manner. To be honest, it was designed to stop people from disabling services and other things that can be done on the other O/S. I believe it was in vista that they started to hide things from users. I know it was not easy to find the control panel.If you go to the far right with your mouse, you can find something called settings, but has nothing to do with your system. When you do find the control panel, they just gave you basic things to use until you changed the icon sizes. Now with windows 8.1 and up, its even harder to get to the control panel. I think its like 4 or 5 clicks to get to it, then you change the icon size to see all in it. Still didn't notice if there was a link for services to disable the usual crap that one does not need. They give you some stupid stuff on the start screen like new, weather, reading and some other stuff. Some can be removed, but not all of it. It does give you a link to your desktop. Still haven't found a way to disabled that crap yet.

There are only 3 major O/S available to the public. windows, Mac and linux. What I tend to do, is strip the crap out of win8 and then release it to the public. They have done this for XP and called it blackXP and a few other names. I had to put the laptop away as it was driving me insane trying to get it to work correctly for my liking. Maybe I will play with it again this weekend.


Staff member
OK got it. That was also one very major irritation for me when I changed from Windows XP to Windows 7. The cPanel has just become such a super pain to navigate. I've got to peel my eyes to find where I can manage my software. I have to battle where to manage my hardware. Difficult to find anything. Would have been nice if I could customize my control panel. But at least I can find my control panel. I work so often with it, if I have to battle with it like you've just mentioned happens with Windows 8.1, then that would really be upsetting. I'd probably see whether I could create desktop icons, but then one would have to use IE for that. Looks as though the future of Windows OS is getting darker by the version.


New member
I was not aware about the potential invasion of privacy with the Windows 10. I will do a little more research. So far, I like the interface, or at least much more so that that of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
learninglingo said:
I was not aware about the potential invasion of privacy with the Windows 10. I will do a little more research. So far, I like the interface, or at least much more so that that of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

Its the same interface and operating system. Nothing much different other then IE is replace with Edge. M$ and other agencies have been accessing your computers for years. Started with the release of XP.