Youtube mobile in background


New member
I dont know if this fits here but just wanted to share this neat app with you.
Its a bit older version of Youtube with some tweaks so you can download this instantly to your device mp4,mp4,mov..
And biggest feature is that you can play songs in background.
Im sharing it cuz i think youtube should give us feature to play songs in background,i think they are offering it with Youtube RED (paid subscription),you shouldnt pay for something for no good reason,you dont get any real perks except they dont show you ads tho..
Anyways im not sure if this is allowed here so please delete this if not and excuse me.


That's a good mod of youtube on internet but for view of latest subscribed post we must need MicroG OGYoutube plugin app for sign it secure way to share google credentials?


New member
Well i have been using it for over a year now and had 0 security breaches so far so my guess is that is safe


New member
You have tons of app that can do that! On IOS you can use Amerigo to download and play videos / songs in background.


Development has stopped on it though. Something like NewPipe is open source, supports background playback and video/audio downloads, so I would suggest that app instead.